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Air Rifle


  1. NSSP and Royal Rangers have developed a shooting program to offer both Royal Rangers and Girl's Ministries across the nation an opportunity to participate in NSSP Top Shot Competition.


  1. Each Royal Ranger district should have a Royal Ranger District Shooting Sports Coordinator. These coordinators are familiar with setting up NSSP Top Shot Competitions. They have a wealth of resources and specialized certifications which can help your outpost practice for and compete in NSSP Top Shot Competitions.  Your district Royal Ranger National Shooting Sports Program Coordinator is the subject matter expert who can help on anything shooting sports related.


  1. All competitors may only enter this match once per calendar year.

  2. All competitors must be one of the following:

    • Royal Ranger Outpost member in either Adventure Rangers or Expedition Rangers.

    • Girl's Ministry member in either Friends or Girls Only.

    • Man or woman assigned a leadership position in either Royal Rangers or Girls Ministry.​

    • A member of Royal Rangers Alumni.


  1. It is recommended that the following merits be completed prior to participation in the Top Shot Competition.​

    • For Adventure Rangers/Friends: Complete Blue Air Rifle Safety and Green Air Rifle merits.

    • For Expedition Rangers/Girls Only: Complete Blue Air Rifle Safety, Blue Marksmanship, and Silver Air Rifle merits.

  2. Prior to serving as Firing Line Supervisors (coaches, commanders, and leaders in Girls Ministry) are highly encouraged to:

    • Read the NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules book chapters, identified in the following sections on this web page.

    • Teach and/or read all the applicable merit lessons and requirements listed in Prerequisite 1. (dependent on which age groups are on the firing line)


Certifying as NRA Range Safety Officer or NRA Coach are not a requirement but are excellent training experiences that will greatly prepare leaders for safe operation of firing lines.


  1. Current NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules book will govern this competition.

  2. NRA Rule Books may be downloaded online at


  1. Read NRA SPORTER AIR RIFLE  Rules book Chapter 3: Equipment and Ammunition​

  2. NSSP highly recommends the use of​
    • Avanti/Daisy Precision .177 Cal. (4.5mm) lead Pellets

    • Although there are a lot of site selections allowable for Pellet Rifles. NSSP preference is Diopter style rear peep sight with front hooded site with interchangeable inserts. Iron sights are acceptable. No scopes or red dots allowed.

    • Shooting mats

    • Kneeling rolls

    • Single Point Rifle Slings(Only used for Prone and Kneeling (no wider than 1¼ inch)

    • Avanti/Daisy Models 853 Legend or 753 Elite Pellet Rifle


  1. Read NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules book Chapter 4:Targets for specifics on allowable targets.

  2. The  AR-5/10 10 meter (10 scoring bulls, 2 sighting bulls) target is preferred for Top Shot Competition.

  3. Shooter’s name, position and event date will be printed in the upper right-hand corner of each target.

  4. Target acquisition is the responsibility of each competitor.

  5. NRA official targets are required. For a list of licensed target manufacturers visit:


  1. NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules book Chapter 6:Range Standards will be followed.

  2. May be held indoors or outdoors.

  3. Eye and hearing protection is required for all shooters, firing line supervisors, and all nearby spectators.

  4. Shooting distance from the firing line to target will be 10 Meters (32ft, 9.6in).

  5. Firing line will be supervised by an appropriate number of Firing Line Supervisors. Prerequisite #2 applies here.


  1. Shooting positions are to be in accordance with NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules book Chapter: 5 Positions.

  2. For competitors with temporary or permanent disabilities, read NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules book Chapter:13 Physically Disabled Competitors.

  3. Unlimited practice shots are permitted but must be fired within an 8 minute time limit and only on the two center boxed “Sighting Bulls”.

  4. Time limits. See NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules book Chapter:8 Time Limits for more details.

  5. 30 scoring shots total.

  6. One shot per scoring bull.

  7. Ten (10) shots will be fired from 10 meters (32ft, 9.6in) in each of the below three positions:

                         10 shots PRONE              Time limit of 10 minutes

                         10 shots STANDING         Time limit of 15 minutes

                         10 shots KNEELING         Time limit of 10 minutes


  1. All targets will be scored in accordance with NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules book Chapter 14: Scoring and Marking.

  2. The inner Ten Dot is only counted as a score of 10 when the dot is completely shot out.

  3. Each target must be scored by two individuals and in accordance with NRA Rules. If targets are scored electronically, verification by two individuals is not required.

  4. Sponsors keep all targets until the challenge period has ended and all results are final.


1.  Top Shot Competitions will begin on January 1st and will end on December 31st of each calendar year.


  1. The team match is the combined scores of four participating individuals.

  2. The team category will be determined by the group the individual is shooting in, i.e.  Adventure/Friends, Expedition/Girls Only.


  1. Results will be emailed out to NSSP Advisors and posted on the NSSP Website.


  1. Individuals,1st – 5th place: winners will receive a medal and a certificate.  

  2. Teams, 1st – 3rd place: each team member will receive individual medals and certificates. 

  3. Competitors and teams will compete based on the following groups:

    • Royal Ranger Groups​

      • Adventure Rangers​

      • Expedition Rangers​

    • Girl’s Ministry Groups​

      • Friends​

      • Girls Only​

    • Adult Leaders

      • Men

      • Women


  1. Individual competitor is $10.00 each.

  2. Teams will be comprised of four individual competitors. An additional $10 will be paid for each team. Therefore, the total cost for each 4 competitor team is $80.00.

  3. Each competitor may only be a member of one BB Gun team per calendar year.

  4. Multiple 4 competitor teams per outpost/church are allowed. Rule #2 still applies.

  5. Payment of fees is made by one of the below options.

    • Mail a single check (Total fees for all your Outpost/church competitors and teams) payable to
      P.O. Box 7724
      Riverside, CA. 92513-7724

    • Zelle the fee total amount to (949) 599-4148 Darell Freeman . Be sure to note the following information in the “Add a Memo” box:
      NSSP Top Shot fees
      Your outpost number.
      Your church name.
      Your state abbreviation


Fee payments are to be sent on the same date the Top Shot Competition fillable forms are submitted as described in the ADMINISTRATION section.


  1. Download the RR /NSSP Air Rifle Top Shot Competition fillable form at:
    Air Rifle Fillable Form.

  2. Fillable forms are to be completed by one of the following leaders:

    • Any NSSP representative (Preferred).

    • Outpost Senior Commander (Alternate).

  3. To help minimize confusion please save the fillable form(s) with the following file name format: YEARAirRifleStateOutpost###Group.pdf.

    • Example: 2024AirRifleAZOutpost130AR.pdf.

    • Group abbreviations are listed below:

      • Royal Ranger Groups​

        • AR​

        • ER​

      • Girl’s Ministry Groups

        • GMF

        • GMGO

      • Adult Leaders

        • Men

        • Women

  4. ​Ensure all requested information is entered on Top Shot Competition fillable forms.

  5. All scores must be returned by January 15th of the following year.

  6. Submit completed score reporting fillable forms to Peter Triana by one of the below options.

    • Preferred method: US Mail to:
      Peter Triana
      9283 Daisy Ave.
      Fountain Valley, CA 92708

    • Alternate method: Email completed PDF forms to




“The Royal Rangers® name, clubs names, logos, emblems, and artwork are registered trademarks or copyright protected properties. © 2007 by The General Council of the Assemblies of God, 1445 N. Boonville Ave., Springfield, Missouri 65802. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

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