
NSSP and Royal Rangers have developed a shooting program to offer both Royal Rangers and Girls Ministries across the nation an opportunity to participate in NSSP Top Shot Competition.
Each Royal Ranger district should have a Royal Ranger National Shooting Sports Coordinator. These coordinators are familiar with setting up NSSP Top Shot Competitions. They have a wealth of resources and specialized certifications which can help your outpost practice for and compete in NSSP Top Shot Competitions. Your district Royal Ranger National Shooting Sports Coordinator is the subject matter expert who can help on anything shooting sports related.
All competitors may only enter this match once per calendar year.
All competitors must be one of the following:
Royal Ranger Outpost member in either Discovery Rangers, Adventure Rangers, or Expedition Rangers.
Girls Ministry member in either Stars, Friends or Girls Only.
Man or woman assigned a leadership position in either Royal Rangers or Girls Ministry.​
A member of Royal Rangers Alumni.
Recommend the completion of the green Archery merit, with a refresher of the 11 Steps of Archery as outlined in the NASP/Centershot training manual.
Archers shall be assigned a target, and only arrows on that target, shot by the assigned archer will be counted for score.
No more than two competitors may shoot on each target at one time.
When more than one archer is shooting at the same target, the arrows must be identifiable to each archer by either color or other markings.
Shooting Distance
Archers will shoot straddling a shooting line marked at 10 meters and 15 meters from the targets.​
There will be one practice round at 10 meters and one at 15 meters, prior to shooting for score at each distance.
Archers will shoot 3 ends of 5 arrows from 10 meters and 3 ends of 5 arrows at 15 meters for a total of 30 arrows, 10 ring scoring, with a total of 300 points possible.
Scorers will enter the value of each arrow in descending order on scorecards as called out by the competitor to whom the arrow belongs.
Scoring should be scored by one other competitor or the archery instructor.
Other competitors on the same target will check the value of each arrow called out, and in case of disagreement, they will call the instructor or judge.
An arrow will be scored according to the position of the shaft on the target face. If the shaft touches two colors or touches any dividing line between two scoring zones, the arrow will score the higher value of the two zones involved.
Neither arrow nor the target face should be touched until all the arrows on that target face have been recorded.
Basic Instructions for Conducting the Postal Archery Tournament
Download the arrowscores app or use
Gather all required equipment.
Instruct in archery safety.
Practice the skills.
Schedule the postal archery tournament event.
Review all information and rules before the event.
Record the scores at the range on the Range Score Card. Score Cards can be downloaded at
Confirm the scores and transfer the information to the Arrowscores app or
Confirm that ALL contact information is included on the reporting form.
If you have any questions, you may contact Ron Heatherly, NSSP Regional Coach.
Genesis® Original bow and equipment is available at a discount price to members of Centershot Ministries.
Please visit for more information.
Any recurve or longbow may be used in the Traditional class.
Only Genesis® Original compound bows may be used in the Compound class.
No sights or sighting aids may be used on any bow.
No mechanical release aids may be used (fingers only).
Finger tabs and arm guards are allowed.
Only 80 cm FITA-face (80 cm in diameter) five color, ten-ring target may be used.
All arrows must have target or field points only (no broad heads) and must be shot from bows using only the fingers with no sights.
Easton 1820 NASP approved arrows are required to be shot in the Compound class.
Arrows shot in the Traditional class should be a safe field point arrow correctly spined for the bow being used.
Competitions may be conducted between January 1 and December 31.
All entries must be received by January 15th of the following year.
Match may be conducted indoors or outdoors.
Competitors may compete in one or both of the following divisions:
Genesis Original
Traditional (Recurve/Long bow)
Results will be emailed out to NSSP Advisors and posted on the NSSP Website.
Individuals,1 st – 5th place winners will receive a medal and a certificate.
Teams, 1st – 3rd place, each team member will receive individual medal and certificate.
Competitors and teams will compete based on the following groups:
​Royal Ranger Groups
Discovery Rangers​
Adventure Rangers​
Expedition Rangers​
Girl’s Ministry Groups
Girls Only​
Adult Leaders
Individual competitor fee is $10.00 each.
Teams will be comprised of four individual competitors. An additional $10 will be paid by each team member. Therefore, the team fee for each 4 competitor team is $80.00.
Each competitor may only be a member of one archery team per calendar year.
Multiple 4 competitor teams per outpost/church are allowed. Rules #2 and #3 still apply.
Payment of fees is made by one of the below options.
Mail a single check (Total fees for all your Outpost/church competitors and teams) payable to:
P.O. Box 7724
Riverside, CA. 92513-7724
Zelle the fee total amount to (949) 599-4148 Darell Freeman. Be sure to note the following information in the “Add a Memo” box:
NSSP Top Shot fees
Your outpost number.
Your church name.
Your state abbreviation
Fee payments are to be sent on the same date the Top Shot Competition fillable forms are submitted as described in the ADMINISTRATION section.
Scoring will be in accordance with the Arrow Score System at: Please review the tutorial at before competition.
Download the RR /NSSP Archery Shot Competition fillable form at:
Archery Fillable Form. -
Fillable forms are to be completed by one of the following leaders:
Any NSSP representative (Preferred).
Outpost Senior Commander (Alternate).
To help minimize confusion please save the fillable form(s) with the following file name format: YEARArcheryStateOutpost###Group.pdf.
Example: 2024ArcheryAZOutpost130AR.pdf.
Group abbreviations are listed below:
Royal Ranger Groups
Girl’s Ministry Groups
Adult Leaders
​Ensure all requested information is entered on Top Shot Competition fillable forms.
All scores must be returned by January 15th of the following year.
Submit completed score reporting fillable forms to Peter Triana by one of the below options.
Preferred method: US Mail to:
Peter Triana
9283 Daisy Ave.
Fountain Valley, CA 92708 -
Alternate method: Email completed PDF forms to